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Licensing the EWI Stable Currency Benchmark™


     How you use the SCB determines whether you must have a license for its use.


No license required:

The SCB as a Value Benchmark

Investors, analysts, financial institutions and agencies may use the SCB as a benchmark for determining and reporting on the value of goods, services and indexes around the world. If an individual or institution is measuring and/or reporting on values in terms of the SCB, no license is required.


The SCB as an Investment Performance Benchmark

Investors, asset managers and financial institutions may use the SCB as a benchmark against which to assess and report on the performance of their own portfolios. If an individual or institution is comparing its own investment performance to the SCB, no license is required.


License required:

The SCB as the Basis for an Advertised Aspect of a Fund

Various financial institutions may use the SCB or its inverse as a basis for retail and institutional “indexed” hedge and mutual funds. A license from EWI is required for any product based on or linked to the SCB or its inverse.

The SCB as the Basis for a Financial Instrument

A wide range of institutions may use the SCB or its inverse as a basis for various financial instruments. Examples include options, swaps, warrants, other derivatives, ETFs, certificates of deposit and insurance products. A license from EWI is required for any product based on or linked to the SCB or its inverse.

For licensing information, please contact us here.